To Obtain Financial Independence, To Feel Secure Economically, To Climb The Wealth Pyramid: Financial Knowledge And financial Literacy – Financial Education Is What Everybody Needs To Have a decent And Comfortable Lifestyle

”Stock market investing solution for success; WHERE TO INVEST? HOW TO INVEST? AND IN WHAT TO INVEST?
Financial Literacy & Knowledge – Financial Education Is What Everybody Needs To Have a descent And Comfortable Lifestyle.
The Language Of Entrepreneurs – Business People – Financiers And Investors.
My work as a financial service professional is my ministry. My ministry involves helping, consulting, coaching, guiding, teaching, and encouraging others, regarding financial services.
To the best of my God given knowledge and abilities, I help others to overcome uncertainties, mistrust, misrepresentation, miscommunications, etc. regarding financial services in the U.S.A..
Rich People – The 33RD Degree Of The Rich – The 33 habits
The 33RD Degree Of The Rich. The 33 habits of the rich, The 33 RD lesson of life.
How Do The Get So Rich? Why Not You? Yes You Can Become Rich, Wealthy & Famous..
How Do The Get So Rich? Why Not You? Yes You Can Become Rich, Wealthy & Famous..
” Insurance Of America Learning Center‘ Great Stuffs To Know…
” Financial Academy School / Academy Of Finance. . Educational tools and resources
To whatever degree, I can share my knowledge, my expertise, and my resources, contacts, methods, strategies, etc., to ease the “pain and stress” that so many people are experiencing, because of financial uncertainty and lack of ‘Peace of Mind’ … I am blessed to be able to do so.
Anthony jeanty, Financial Service Consultant, Real Estate Professional, Realtor – Insurance Representative – Life Insurance Specialist.
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Financial Academy And
Our Mission is to provide a program of sound investment information, education, and support that helps create successful lifetime entrepreneurs, investors. By becoming confident, knowledgeable .
——————————Anthony jeanty, Financial Service Consultant, Real Estate Professional, Realtor – Insurance Representative – Life Insurance Specialist.
It will be my pleasure to work with any and all of you as clients or as fellow associates to help you take full advantage of our USA free enterprise system.What is the lowest cost of an insurance policy? Where and how to find the least expensive insurance?
There are so many things we can and must do to help ourselves. Having the access to knowledgeable and honest financial professionals and having access to state-of-the art technology is just the beginning of the benefits by contacting us.
”The 10 Commandments Of Investing In The Financial Market.. Stock market investing for success..
The Financial Education Solution
Like most things in life realistic goals are possible and are basically quite simple. Financial security is not a dream that is magically bestowed upon a select few, but a reality that can be achieved by anyone who chooses to embark on this most worthwhile and rewarding journey. Financial security may not be easy, but with adherence to a few basic fundamentals it is absolutely possible, it requires the: What is term insurance vs cash value.-=
- Basic knowledge of “what to do”
- commitment to a few sound principles and
- Discipline coupled with patience
What the world is experiencing is an educational crisis, not a financial crisis. The world has plenty of money, its education we are missing.
It doesn’t matter if you have bad credit, no credit, no money, or no experience; all you need is financial education and the determination to succeed. knowledgefinancial. com and financialacademyschool .com can help you with the kind of financial education you need.
The most important key to success in any money-making opportunity is to be well trained and educated.
We now know that people learn differently and that there isn’t always just one way to succeed.
Understanding Life Insurance
‘‘Life insurance policies” are among a variety of possible plans for
individuals looking for stability against the uncertainty of future life
‘‘Life insurance policies” are among a variety of possible plans for
individuals looking for stability against the uncertainty of future life

What type of insurance is best for you, your family?
Life insurance is an important precaution when it comes to insuring financial future of a family.
Life insurance is a fundamental necessity to ensure the
protection of the financial future of your family. Protecting
your family against lost of income in case you no longer
protection of the financial future of your family. Protecting
your family against lost of income in case you no longer
Having a good, suitable life insurance can safeguard your
family against financial catastrophes arising from your
absent.Protecting your family against the occurrence of unexpected; however a suitable life policy can
relieve your financial worries caused by unexpected disappearance .
family against financial catastrophes arising from your
absent.Protecting your family against the occurrence of unexpected; however a suitable life policy can
relieve your financial worries caused by unexpected disappearance .
Buy The Term And Invest The Different
The advantages of this strategy, if implemented correctly by the
Theory of Decreasing Responsibility, are the ability to Self insure
and get rid of the need for insurance,immediate accumulation of investment moneys, more investment
options that allow for similar tax advantages, and return of cash
Other advantages include elimination of loans and stability in the
death benefit.
Theory of Decreasing Responsibility, are the ability to Self insure
and get rid of the need for insurance,immediate accumulation of investment moneys, more investment
options that allow for similar tax advantages, and return of cash
Other advantages include elimination of loans and stability in the
death benefit.
ensure that you choose the ideal plan to guarantee the right amount of
coverage to protect your family.
coverage to protect your family.
People who have job think different than the people who have a business!
Remember, A Job produces wages, & Makes You A Living;
But Entrepreneurship, A business Gives You Profits And Profits Make You Rich… ”ANTHONY JEANTY”
The Art Of Selling: How to become a master salesperson. Steps to successful selling
SALES MANAGEMENT AND TRAINING. How to be the best salesperson ever.
Your Financial Success Depends on What you Know About Money
Most people set out to get an education in hopes of getting a safe and secure job and ultimately being able to provide for themselves and their family. However,the education most people receive doesn’t actually teach them what they need to know to be truly successful and in command of their finances.
”Here Are Fourty {40} Steps, Rules, Principles, Methods, And Strategies To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur, Business Owner, And Successful Investor.
”FREE STUFFS, 22 Free Google Products for Small Business Owners, Investors, And Entrepreneurs.
For ecommerce entrepreneurs and small business owners, Google has attractive, free tools for nearly every aspect of online productivity.
Here is a list of free online products from Google. There are simple efficiency tools, as well as game-changing web applications. For the tools you’re using already, make sure you’re taking advantage of all the integrated bells and whistles.
——————”Banking, Finance, Investing Knowledge. The more you know the closer you are to accomplish great success”
What are stocks?
Stocks are a type of security that gives stockholders a share of ownership in a company. Stocks also are called “equities.” Why do people buy stocks?
How to buy and sell stocks?
What are bonds?
A bond is a debt security, similar to an IOU. Borrowers issue bonds to raise money from investors willing to lend them money for a certain amount of time.
When you buy a bond, you are lending to the issuer, which may be a government, municipality, or corporation.
Why do people buy bonds? What types of bonds are there?
How to buy and sell bonds——————————

What is an ETF?
ETFs are a type of exchange-traded investment product that must register with the SEC under the 1940 Act as either an open-end investment company (generally known as “funds”) or a unit investment trust.
ETF’S-EXCHANGE TRADED FUND==INDEX FUND INVESTMENT. ””Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Discover exchange traded funds and learn how to make them a profitable part of your portfolio. – ”Banking And Finance: BANKING-Learn how to invest the banking industry. The more you know the closer you are to accomplish great success.
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WHAT IS THE ADVANTAGE OF COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE? Commercial Real Estate is how fortunes are made. Is how rich retirements are secured. How financial freedom is locked down.
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Mutual Funds:
What are mutual funds?
A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt.
The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio. Investors buy shares in mutual funds. Each share represents an investor’s part ownership in the fund and the income it generates.
What types of mutual funds are there? How to buy and sell mutual funds?
What are annuities?
An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company that requires the insurer to make payments to you, either immediately or in the future.
What kinds of annuities are there?
How to buy and sell annuities?
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
What are REITs?
Real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) allow individuals to invest in large-scale, income-producing real estate. REIT: Real Estate Investment Trust. A GREAT WAY TO INVEST IN REAL ESTATE WITHOUT TAKING A MORTGAGE LOan
What types of REITs are there?
What are the benefits and risks of REITs?
How to buy and sell REITs
Invest In Real Estate With Only $1,000 To Start With. Get Your Fair Share. Easy And Simple To Build Your Portfolio / Real Estate Investment Trust Can Help..-The most basic and fundamental concept for achieving Financial Security for yourself and your dependents is what we call “The Magic of 10”.
If you remember nothing else from the following information and you can focus on this core concept you will dramatically increase you likelihood of achieving Financial Security.
- Core Financial Principle #1: Build a Solid Financial Foundation
- Core Financial Principle #2: Build Long Term Asset Accumulation
- Core Financial Principle #3: Achieve and Maintain Financial Security
“The Magic of 10” simply stated is as follows:
1) Always strive to save 10% of your Gross Income: Pay yourself FIRST and Save as much as you can as soon as you can.
2) Insure through assets and insurance Buy the term & Invest The difference “Income Replacement” for dependents of 10 Times your Gross Income
3) Set an ULTIMATE goal of Accumulating investable assets of 10 Times your Gross Income
The Ultimate Financial Goal…Financial Security The Specific Steps
Take Control of Your Finances AND Always Spend Less Than You Make
Step 1: Track Expenses and Increase Cash Flow
Step 2: Create an Emergency Fund
Step 3: Manage Unsecured Revolving Debt or Credit Card Debt
Step 4: Having Cash-Flow: Earned Income, Passive Income, Portfolio Income.
- Goal #1: Create a net worth equal to 6 to 12 months of living expenses
- Goal #2: Eliminate all non-secured debt
- Goal #3: Create a net worth equal to 2 year of gross annual income
- Goal #4: Create a net worth equal to 5 years of gross annual income
- Ultimate Goal: Create a net worth equal to 10 years of gross annual income
Take Control of Your Finances AND Always Spend Less Than What You Make
Before anything else, You MUST Take Control of Your Finances. Regardless of your income, no matter what your financial situation, you must first either verify and confirm the appropriateness of your existing financial situation or take necessary action to improve and begin to correct your situation.
After this initial step you are then able to commit to the most basic of principles to live by for your financial way of life…You MUST Spend Less Than What You Make.
There is no financial product, no miracle investment and no magic formula that can help you succeed financially until you embrace this most basic, fundamental and simple financial reality. Embracing this fundamental reality will enable you to begin to build your financial foundation.
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