The five filing statuses are: single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, head of household, and qualifying surviving spouse.
Tax filing status options
Filing status
impacts the calculation of income tax, affects the amount of the standard deduction, and determines allowance or limitation of certain credits and deductions.
The five filing statuses are: single, married filing jointly, married -filing separately, head of household, and qualifying surviving spouse.
Single filing status
If on the last day of the year, you are unmarried or legally separated from your spouse under a divorce or separate maintenance decree and you do not qualify for another filing status.
Married Filing Jointly filing status
You are married and both you and your spouse agree to file a joint return. (On a joint return, you report your combined income and deduct your combined allowable expenses.)
Married Filing Separately filing status
You must be married.
This method may benefit you if you want to be responsible only for your own tax or if this method results in less tax than a joint return. If you and your spouse do not agree to file a joint return, you may have to use this filing status.
Head of Household filing status
You must meet the following requirements:
1. You are unmarried or considered unmarried on the last day of the year.
2. You paid more than half the cost of keeping up a home for the year.
3. A qualifying person lived with you in the home for more than half the year (except temporary absences, such as school). However, your dependent parent does not have to live with you.
Qualifying Surviving Spouse filing status
You may be eligible to use qualifying surviving spouse as your filing status for two years following the year of death of your spouse.
This filing status entitles you to use joint return tax rates and the highest standard deduction amount (if you do not itemize deductions). This status does not entitle you to file a joint return.
Tax filing status meaning — and why it’s important...
Your filing status may be more important than you think! In fact, it determines:
If you’re required to file a federal tax return
If you should file a return to receive a refund
Your standard deduction amount
If you can claim certain tax credits
The amount of tax you owe
Tax return status determines how you’re taxed
You may have heard about tax brackets or tables when it comes to income taxes. These tables show how taxes are applied based on your filing status.
Different types of income taxes
The Basic Types Of Taxes ...
Corporate Income Taxes
A corporate income tax (CIT) is levied by federal and state governments on business profits, which are revenues (what a business makes in sales) minus costs (the cost of doing business).
Payroll Taxes
Payroll taxes are taxes paid on the wages and salaries of employees to finance social insurance programs. Most taxpayers will be familiar with payroll taxes from looking at their paystub at the end of each pay period, where the amount of payroll tax withheld by their employer from their income is clearly listed.
The individual income tax (or personal income tax) is a tax levied on the wages, salaries, dividends, interest, and other income a person earns throughout the year, generally imposed by the state in which the income is earned.
Self-employment tax
Self-employment tax (SE tax) is a Social Security and Medicare tax primarily for individuals who work for themselves. Your payments of SE tax contribute to your coverage under the Social Security system.
Employment taxes
When you have employees, you as the employer have certain employment tax responsibilities that you must pay and forms you must file. Employment taxes include the following:
Social Security and Medicare taxes
Federal income tax withholding
Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax
For additional information, refer to Employment taxes for small businesses.
Excise tax
This section describes the excise taxes you may have to pay and the forms you have to file if you do any of the following.
Manufacture or sell certain products.
Operate certain kinds of businesses.
Use various kinds of equipment, facilities, or products.
Receive payment for certain services.
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Business taxes
Types of Income the IRS Doesn't Tax
It may feel like the IRS taxes most of your hard-earned money, but some types of income are nontaxable
Life insurance proceeds
Life insurance policy proceeds received by a beneficiary after the policyholder's death are generally tax-free.
However, interest earned on the proceeds may be taxable, and tax rules can get complex if the policyholder surrenders the policy for cash.
Also, if you take a life insurance policy loan, the loan generally isn't taxable as long as the policy remains in force and the loan amount doesn't exceed the amount of policy premiums paid.
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Are annuities taxable?
Different types of annuities are subject to different tax treatments.
Generally, you pay taxes on annuities only once you start receiving payments or withdrawing funds.
For example, earnings from non-qualified annuities are taxed upon withdrawal, while the contributions from after-tax dollars are not taxed.
For more information:
Is An Annuity a Good Investment?
Tax Pros and Cons.
Annuities are complex, so it's a good idea to seek advice from a trusted professional if you need clarification on your tax exposure.
Long-term care insurance income
Payments received from long-term care insurance policies are usually not subject to tax.
Roth account income
Qualified distributions (., from a Roth account at least five years old since you first contributed and when you are 59½ years or older) are tax-exempt.
The IRS now allows you to make regular contributions to your Roth IRA at any age. Plus, you can leave any amount in your Roth IRA for as long as you live.
Alimony and child support
If you receive alimony or maintenance payments as part of a separation or divorce agreement made on or after January 1, 2019, those payments are not taxable.
Financial gifts
Financial gifts are a well-known category of non-taxable income. That's due in part to the generous annual federal gift tax limit.
The IRS doesn't consider inheritances to be taxable income. That includes inheritances of cash, property, etc.
Disability benefits
Disability and worker's compensation
payments are generally nontaxable.
Supplemental Security Income payments are also tax-exempt.
Disability compensation or pension payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs to U.S. military Veterans are tax-free as well.
Municipal bond interest
Government-issued bond interest is mostly tax-exempt, but some muni interest may be taxable at federal and state levels. For example, U.S. Treasury securities are taxable at the federal level.
Corporate bond interest is taxable at both the federal and state levels.
Earned income in states with no income tax
If you live in one of the nine states without personal income tax — Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming — you won't be taxed on your earned income at the state level.
'' ''
Taxable Income:
What It Is and How to Calculate It
It's important to know which income is taxable to file accurate returns and reduce overall tax liability.
What is taxable income?
Taxable income is the part of your gross income (the total income you receive) that is subject to federal tax.
Taxable income and gross income differ for several reasons.
First, not all income is taxable.
Additionally, tax deductions and credits can lower the amount of your income that is subject to tax.
So, your federal taxable income is essentially your federal adjusted gross income (AGI) minus any tax deductions you claim.
(More on that below.)
As mentioned, taxable income can include earned income (i.e., money received as pay for work performed) and unearned income (e.g., taxable interest, capital gains, dividends, etc.). Here are other examples of income that is taxable at the federal level.
Commissions and bonuses
Business income
Interest and dividend income
Canceled debts (with some exceptions)
Lottery winnings
Ways to lower your taxable income
The best way to lower your taxable income is to take advantage of all the tax deductions and credits you qualify for.
Common but often overlooked tax deductions include charitable contributions and donations, student loan interest paid, and in some cases, unreimbursed medical expenses.
However, not everyone is eligible for every tax deduction or tax credit. A trusted tax professional can help ensure you don’t miss out on tax breaks you qualify for. A professional may also be able to formulate a tax strategy that aligns with your financial goals.
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How to Calculate Your Adjusted Gross Income — and What It Means
Your eligibility for certain money-saving tax breaks depends on your adjusted gross income.
When it’s time to calculate your tax bill, knowing your adjusted gross income (AGI) is a crucial first step. If you file your tax return online (or have your tax preparer do it), you’ll need your AGI from the previous tax year to prove your identity to the IRS. In addition, your AGI determines your eligibility for a range of tax breaks that could lower your tax bill.
Calculate adjusted gross income
Your adjusted gross income is made up of income from various sources, including your wages, self-employment income, interest from bank accounts, capital gains, dividends, rental income and retirement plan distributions, minus adjustments, including interest on student loan payments as well as contributions to traditional IRAs and 401(k)s and health savings accounts.
You can find your AGI on line 11 of your 1040 tax form.
Several money-saving tax credits, including the child and dependent care credit, as well as credits for older adults and those who are permanently disabled, are available to taxpayers whose AGI falls within certain thresholds.
Your modified adjusted gross income, discussed below, is also tied to a range of tax breaks. For that reason, taking steps to keep your AGI below those limits could benefit you, now and in the future.
Federal income tax rates and brackets...
Tax brackets:
2024-2025 Federal Income Tax Brackets and Rates for Single Filers, Married Couples Filing Jointly, and Heads of Households
CSV Excel PDF Print
Tax Rate For Single Filers For Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns For Heads of Households
2024-2025 Federal Income Tax Brackets and Rates
In 2025, the income limits for all tax brackets and all filers will be adjusted for inflation and will be as follows (Table 1). The federal income tax has seven tax rates in 2025: 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent, and 37 percent.
For single taxpayers and married individuals filing separately for tax year 2025, the standard deduction rises to $15,000 for 2025, an increase of $400 from 2024.
For married couples filing jointly, the standard deduction rises to $30,000, an increase of $800 from tax year 2024.
Earned income tax credit for 2024-2025
A tax credit for low- to middle-income individuals and families — the earned income tax credit, or EITC — will have higher maximum amounts in 2025.
The earned income tax credit helps qualifying individuals and families reduce the amount of tax they owe, while also potentially providing a refund, according to the IRS.
In 2025, the maximum EITC amount will be $8,046 for qualifying taxpayers with three or more eligible children.
That is up from $7,830 for tax year 2024.
The maximum amount available for qualifying taxpayers with two eligible children will be $7,152, up from $6,960 in 2024; one qualifying child, $4,328, compared with $4,213 in 2024; and no qualifying children, $649, up from $632 in 2024.
Child tax credit for 2024-2025
The refundable portion of the child tax credit — a tax break parents can take for qualifying children — will be $1,700 for 2025, which is unchanged from 2024. That figure represents how much families may claim even with zero tax balance on their tax returns.
The maximum child tax credit of $2,000 per child under 17 is available to parents with up to $400,000 in modified adjusted gross income if they are married and filing jointly, or under $200,000 if they are single. Those figures are also unchanged from 2024.
Tax Tip: Your tax “to-do” List: important tax dates for 2024-2025...
January 29 – Tax filing season begins
January 31 – Due date for employers to provide annual income information (e.g., Forms W-2 or 1099)
February 15 – Deadline to file form W-4 to maintain exemption for tax withholding
March 15 – Partnerships and S corporations file 2023 calendar year returns
April 15 – Individual taxes due, or request for extension of time to file
April 15 –
First estimated tax of 2024 due
April 15 –
Last day to make contributions to health savings accounts and individual retirement accounts for 2023
April 17 –
Individual taxes due for residents of Maine and Massachusetts due to state holidays
June 17 –
Individual taxes due for citizens and resident aliens living and working outside the U.S.
June 17 –
Second quarter estimated taxes due
September 16 –
Third quarter estimated taxes due
October 15 – Tax due date for individuals who filed for an extension
December 31 – Deadline for Required Minimum Distributions for retirement accounts
January 15, 2025 – Final estimated tax payment of 2024 due
federal income tax brackets
If your marginal tax rate doesn't tell you how much tax you'll actually pay, why do you even need to know what it is? For one thing, it's because you can only determine your effective tax rate by calculating total tax liability.
Likewise, understanding which bracket you're in helps you understand how changes in your earnings will affect your overall tax burden, says Sri Reddy, senior vice president of retirement and income solutions at Principal Financial Group.
Knowing your marginal tax bracket can also influence how you approach the available deductions, such as if you choose to use the standard deduction or itemize, Reddy says.
Your marginal tax rate can also inform your other financial decisions.
"We often find clients will calculate the amount to convert to Roth, how to contribute to a retirement plan, when to sell or hold long-term capital gains, and potentially how much to give to charity based on their tax bracket," says David Elder, wealth manager and partner at Merit Financial Advisors.
If you're in a higher tax bracket, you may want to prioritize pre-tax savings such as those in a traditional IRA or 401(k) to reduce your current tax bill. Meanwhile, someone in a lower tax bracket may use the opportunity to fund a Roth IRA, which doesn't qualify for a current tax deduction but can generate tax-free income in retirement.
Understanding your marginal tax bracket is particularly important for retirees and pre-retirees. "If you have accounts that are pre-tax and will require minimum distributions upon reaching age 72, you may not want to wait that long if you're in a lower tax bracket," says Neel Shah, a certified financial planner and estate planning attorney at Omni 360 Advisors.
It is important to know how Medicare tax works since it's taken from your paycheck.
What is Medicare tax?
Knowing how tax dollars are allocated to fund parts of the Medicare program can help you understand your Medicare tax liability.
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1. Who has to pay Medicare tax?
Employed U.S. workers, including non-citizens, are required to pay Medicare tax.
These deductions from your paycheck are mandatory.
The employer and the employee each contribute to Medicare taxes. (More on that below.)
2. Medicare tax rate
The Medicare tax rate is another thing you need to know.
It’s 2.9% of earned income and wages.
As a W-2 employee, you pay half of that tax (1.45%), and your employer pays the other half, 1.45%.
Medicare taxes are not subject to an income cap, unlike Social Security taxes, which are also automatically deducted from your paycheck. Social Security taxes have a wage base limit adjusted for inflation.
That means the Social Security tax does not apply to income above that limit.
With Medicare tax, since there is no income limit, all your earned income and wages are subject to Medicare tax.
3. Additional Medicare tax for high-earners
While the standard Medicare tax rate applies to most individuals, high-income earners may be subject to Medicare surtaxes, including the Additional Medicare Tax and Net Investment Income Tax.
The “Additional Medicare Tax” is 0.9% and applies to earned income exceeding certain thresholds.
For 2024, individuals with earned income over $200,000 ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly) may be subject to the additional Medicare tax.
Employers don’t have to pay a matching .9% with the additional Medicare tax.
What about the net investment income tax (NIIT)? NIIT is another surtax on high earners to raise revenue. This is separate from the additional Medicare tax.
The Net investment income tax of 3.8% typically applies to income from investments such as capital gains, dividends, royalties, rent, and interest.
The tax amount is based on your filing status and income. Similar to the additional Medicare tax, there is no employer-paid portion of NIIT.
In any case, high-income earners should be aware of additional Medicare tax liability and plan accordingly.
4. Self-employed have to pay Medicare tax
Self-employed individuals must pay the total 2.9% Medicare tax rate and any additional Medicare tax if they are high earners.
The Self-Employed Contributions Act (SECA) requires self-employed people to pay taxes on their net earnings.
Self-employment taxes are typically calculated on net self-employment earnings and reported on the individual's federal income tax return.
The self-employment tax rate is 15.3% (12.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare).
For 2024, the first 168,600 of self-employment income is subject to Social Security tax since there is an income limit for Social Security tax.
That’s up about 5% from the $160,200 Social Security wage base limit in 2023.
However, income tax deductions can help lower your tax burden. You can deduct half of your Social Security tax on your federal return, but not as an itemized deduction.
Your net earnings are reduced by half the amount of your total Social Security tax.
If you are self-employed with at least $400 in net earnings during the year, you should factor in Medicare taxes (along with relevant deductions) when planning your tax obligations.
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5. Medicare Part A enrollment is automatic
Most people become eligible for Medicare benefits at age 65. Part A (hospital insurance) enrollment is automatic when you turn 65.
Some get Part B (medical insurance) automatically, while others sign up for it if they want it. Generally, if you or a spouse paid Medicare taxes for at least ten years, you may qualify for premium-free Part A.
It's important to understand your eligibility for Medicare benefits based on your work history and tax contributions and know various enrollment deadlines. Keep in mind that, as Kiplinger has reported, there are several expenses Medicare doesn’t cover.
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The foundations of investing
Focus on building an investment plan that you can stick with day in and day out.
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Manage taxes—Decide how to implement tax-loss harvesting, tax-savvy withdrawals, and asset location strategies to manage taxes.
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